Xie Lei

Xie Lei

1983 born in Huainan, Anhui Province, China; lives and works in Paris and Madrid


practice-based PhD in Visual arts (Very Honorable with unanimous Jury Congratulations)
Beaux-Arts de Paris and Ecole normale supérieure (PSL), Paris, France

Painting Research Programme, Royal College of Art, London, UK
MA (Jury Honours), Beaux-Arts de Paris, Paris, France

BA, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China


Solo Exhibitions

Nachtgesänge, Caprii, Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf, Germany
Fleur de Peau, Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

Au-delà, curated by Claudia Buizza & Ludovic Delalande, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, France
Nachleben, Kandlhofer, Vienna, Austria

Victim, Lyles & King, New York, US

Chant d’Amour, Semiose, Paris, France
, flatmarkus, Zürich, Switzerland

Slumbers, Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

Xie Lei, Christopher Orr, HdM Gallery, London, UK (two-person show)

Xie Lei, Z Gallery Arts, Vancouver, Canada

Walden II, Yima Gallery, Chengdu, China
Poe’s Garden, Z Gallery Arts, Vancouver, Canada (cat.)

Xie Lei – Entre Chien et Loup, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, France

Xie Lei – Sans rivage, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France

Xie Lei – Murmur, Grenier du Chapître, Cahors, France (cat.)
Sortilège et diableries : l’inquiètant ordinaireChâteau d’Ardelay, Les Herbiers, France

Xie Lei, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France (cat.)
Everything And Nothing, Feast Projects, Hong Kong, China

Xie Lei – Chimères, Fondation Yishu 8, Beijing, China (cat.)
Xie Lei, Galerie Charlotte Moser, Geneva, Switzerland (cat.)

Xie Lei – Destination, Feast Projects, Hong Kong, China (cat.)
Xie Lei, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France (cat.)

Enter At Own Risk, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France


Group Exhibitions

X Collection 202: Portrait of a Man, X Museum, Beijing, China
Eighteen Painters, Andrew Kreps, New York, US
Une Chambre à Soi, curated by Margaux Plessy, Château La Coste, Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, France
Sur tes lèvres, curated by Claire Staebler, Lieu Unique and FRAC des pays de la Loire, Nantes, France (upcoming)
La Vie Liquide, curated by Sébastien Faucon, Musée d’art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne, Chateau de Rochechouart, France
Absences, mues et macules, L’Atlas galerie des mondes, Paris, France
Second Nature, Semiose, Paris, France

Formes de la ruine, curated by Sylvie Ramond, Musée des beaux-arts, Lyon, France
Yuen-Yeung, curated by Ed Tang & Jonathan Cheung, K11 chi Museum, Shanghai, China
Bodies of Resistance, Pedro Cera, Lisbon, Portugal
Les Nuits d’été, curated by Pierre Yovanovitch, Eléa Legangneux, Villa Noailles, Hyères, France
Antéfutur, curated by Sandra Patron, CAPC, Bordeaux, France
Immortelle, curated by Numa Hambursin, MO.CO, Montpellier, France
Crossing Frontiers, curated by Tamar Arnon, Eli Zagury, Foundation Nassima Landau, Tel Aviv, Israel
, two-person show with Charlotte Moth, Galería Marta Cervera, Madrid, Spain
, curated by Russell Tovey, GRIMM, London, UK (cat.)
Eulogy of Nothing, A Tribute to Christian Bobin
, Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

Viva Villa, curated by Victorine Grataloup, Stéphane Ibars, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
Prendre soin. Restaurer, réparer, de la Renaissance à nos jours
, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dole, Dole, France
En Soi et Au-delà
, curated by María Santoyo, Institut Français, Madrid, Spain
, curated by Daniel Lippitsch, Vacancy, Shanghai, China
Machines of Desire
, curated by Kat Sapera, Emilia Yin, Simon Lee Gallery, London, UK
The Tale Their Terror Tells
, curated by Geena Brown, Lauren Guilford, Lyles & King, New York, US 
An extraordinary adventure: 8 Chinese artists and the UK, curated by Lu Chao, Gallery Rosenfeld, London, UK

Futuros Abundantes, Works from the TBA21 Collection, curated by Daniela Zyman, C3A Centro de creación contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba, Spain
Itinérance, curated by Virginie Bourget, Beaux-arts de Nantes, Nantes, France
Atlas of Affinities: The Far-Near, HUA International, Berlin, Germany
Mist & Thunder, curated by Àngels Miralda, Sally’s Fault, Amsterdam, Netherland
The Hearing Trumpet, curated by Danielle Shang, Marguo, Paris, France
Mouthed Echoes, Lyles & King, New York, US
Traverser les silences, curated by Thomas Fort, Editions Dilecta, Paris, France
Itinérance, Institut de France, Paris, France


Male Nudes: a salon from 1800 to 2021, Mendes Wood DM, São Paulo, Brazil
Incipit, Cruce arte y pensamiento contemporáneo, Madrid, Spain
Itinérance, Casa de Velázquez, French Academy in Madrid, Spain
BRAFA in the Galleries, Meessen de Clercq, Brussels, Belgium
Laberinto del ramaje, Galería Marta Cervera, Madrid, Spain

Descripción de un estado físico, curated by Pepe Suárez, Schneider Colao – Galería Elba Benitez, Madrid, Spain

Much Without Many, Meessen De Clercq, Brussels, Belgium

Flesh And Bone, curated by Loïc Le Gall and Justin Polera, PS120, Berlin, Germany
Persona Grata?, curated by Alexia Fabre, Anne-Laure Flacelière and Ingrid Jurzak, MAC VAL, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Yellow Reflection, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris, France
Couleurs de la Chine Contemporaine, Musée Saint-Remi, Reims, France

How To See [What Isn’t There], curated by Gianni Jetzer, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany
Persona Grata, curated by Anne-Laure Flacelière and Isabelle Renard, Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris, France
Group Show Moulin Joly, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France
Collection David H. Brolliet – Geneva, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France

Nouvelles acquisitions, Fondation Colas, Boulogne, France
Who Cares?, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France
Utopie Picturale 3, FORMA Art contemporain & cabinet d’expertise, Lausanne, Switzerland

Memo II, White Space, Beijing, China
Utopie Picturale 2, Fonderie Kugler, Geneva, Switzerland
Picturalités Singulières, Chateau d’Assas, Le Vigan, France

Utopie Picturale, Villa Dutoit, Geneva, Switzerland
Ca grimpe, Galerie Charlotte Moser, Geneva, Switzerland

1912-2012 France – Chine, un siècle de dialogue, Fondation Yishu8, Beijing, China
Visage et Portrait, Galerie Charlotte Moser, Geneva, Switzerland
Tranches de carrés sur tranches de cercles, Saline Royale, Arc-et-Senans, France (cat.)
Accrochage, Feast Projects, Hong Kong, China

Résonance/Dissonance, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France
Le Vent d’après, curated by Jean de Loisy and 
Ulla von Brandenburg, Ecole nationale supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris, France (cat.)

Ligne de Chance, curated by François Bouillon and Bernard Moninot, Fondation Ricard, Paris, France (cat.)

Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France

Shcontemporary, Marlborough Gallery, Shanghai, China
Institut de France, Paris, France
Marlborough Gallery, New York, USA
Galerie Serge Aboukrat, Paris, France
Salon de Montrouge, France

Dessine moi un… Galerie Serge Aboukrat, Paris, France
Back to Canvas, the Poetry Between Abstract and Imagism, Amelie Art Gallery, Beijing, China

Shi Tang Arts Space, Beijing, China



Residence Villa Médicis, Rome, Italy

Boghossian Foundation, Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium

Casa de Velázquez, French Academy in Madrid, Spain

Fondation Yishu 8, Beijing, China

Saline Royale, Arc-et-Senans, France



Prix Fondation Colas

Prix Alphonse Cellier, Institut de France

Prix Nicolas Feuillate

Bourse de la Mairie de Paris pour l’art contemporain

Bourse Colin-Lefrancq, Hunter College, New York, USA

Drawing Award CAFA



Xie Lei – Corpus Painting, text by Hou Hanru, édition Semiose
Futuros Abundantes / Abundant Futures exhibition catalogue, edited by Daniela Zyman and Eva Ebersberger, TBA21 and Turner

Immortelle, Vitalité de la jeune peinture figurative française, exhibition catalogue (MO.CO, Montpellier), texts by Amélie Adamo and Numa Hambursin, Silvana Editoriale, Milan
Close, exhibition catalogue, Russell Tovey, GRIMM, London

Viva Villa, Ce à quoi nous tenons, texts by Victorine Grataloup, Stéphane Ibars, exhibition catalogue, Collection Lambert en Avignon, Dilecta, Paris
Prendre Soin, exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dole, éditions mare&martin, Paris

Casa de Velázquez – Membres de l’Académie de France à Madrid, texts by Àngels Miralda, Caterina Amirall, Madrid, Spain

Murmur, text by Guitemie Maldonado, 
Les rencontres d’art contemporain, Cahors, France

Xie Lei, text by François-René Martin, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France

Xie Lei – Chimères, texts by Henry-Claude Cousseau, Liang Shuhan, Emmanuel Fessy, Fondation Yishu 8, Beijing, China
Tranches de carrés sur tranches de cercles, text by Pauline Lafille, Saline Royale, Arc-et-Senans, France
Xie Lei, Galerie Charlotte Moser, Geneva, Switzerland

Destination, text by Philippe Koutouzis, Feast Projects, Hong Kong, China
Xie Lei, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris, France
Le Vent d’après, texts by Jean de Loisy and Ulla von Brandenburg, Beaux-Arts de Paris, France

Ligne de Chance, Fondation Ricard and Beaux-Arts de Paris, France 

Salon de Montrouge, France


Publication and selected bibliography

Christophe Cesbron, Au-delà par Xie Lei, Kostar, February-March 2024, p. 54-59.
Thibault Bissirier, A la Fondation Louis Vuitton, les anti-ombres de Xie Lei, The Steidz, 13 December 2023, online.
Nat Muller, Art Advisor Recommends… Jonathan Cheung of Art-Bureau, Art Basel, 24 February 2023, online.
Anne-Cécile Sanchez, 50 Artistes de la nouvelle scène française, L’Oeil, n°762, March 2023, p.49.
Julie Chaizemartin, Viva Villa ! fait le bilan des résidences françaises à l’étranger, Le Quotidien de l’art, 6 February 2023, online. 
Alexandre Crochet, Un bon cru pour artgenève 2023, The Art Newspaper, 25 January 2023, online.
Guy Boyer, Art contemporain : la biennale des résidences d’artistes 2022 prolonge les échos du monde, Connaissance des arts, 21 November 2022, online.
Amélie Lavin, Alexis Anne-Braun, Sarah Carvello, Jean-Philippe Pierron, Hélène Sfeir, Georges Yoram Federmann… Prendre soin, exhibition cat. (Musée des Beaux-Arts de Dole, Dole, 2022), édition mare&martin, Paris, 2022.
Judicaël Lavrador, Xie Lei, le brouillard et la manière, Libération, 6 September 2022, p.27.
Marie Maertens, L’inquiétante étrangeté de Xie Lei, Connaissance des arts, September 2022, p.106.
Julie Chaizemartin, Gros plan sur dix artistes, Le Quotidien de l’art, 3 March 2022, p.13-15.
Xie Lei, Circulation of Images, From Recognition To Erasure: An Artist’s Response, Artl@s Bulletin vol. 10, 1 (spring 2021), p.134-142, École Normale Supérieure, CNRS and Purdue Publishing.
Judicaël Lavrador, Peintres de la vie quotidienne, Beaux-Arts Magazine, n°441, March 2021, p.47.
Itzhak Goldberg, Xie Lei, un Sommeil agité, Le Journal des Arts, n°578, 26 November 2021.
Sophie de Santis, Eldorado Désenchanté, Le Figaro, n°23102, 21 November 2018, p.31.

Olivia Sand, Contemporary Voices From the Asian and Islamic Art Worlds, Milano, Skira, 2018, p.732-741.
Pauline Vidal, Les visions hallucinées de Xie Lei, LeJournaldesArts.fr, 26 October 2015.
Olivia Sand, Asian Art, February 2014, Profile 2-5.
Elephant Magazine, Issue 19, summer 2014, p.6.
Pauline Vidal, La peinture Onirique de Xie Lei, Le Journal des Arts, n° 398, 4-17 October 2013, p.31.
Philippe Dagen, Le Monde, n°21361, 22-23 September 2013, p.12.
Bettina Wohlfarth, 
FAZ, 27 September 2013.
Liu Shiyao, Hidden Current, Time Out Beijing, 9 November 2012, p.75.
Yue Lian, Xie Lei: New Communication and Allure, Gallery, November 2012.
Chen Hongming, Xie Lei: Double re-interpretation of east and west tradition, 
Contemporary Art, December 2012.
Xu Nan, Xie Lei in Yishu8, 
Master Oriental Art, December 2012, p.18.
Tian Tian, Xie Lei pays tribute to masters in ‘Chimères’
Hi Art, 22 October 2012.
Yang Jiaqing, Chimères: Xie Lei in Yishu8, 
Beijing Review, 23 October 2012.
Xu Qinghong, Xie Lei solo, 
Jinghua Newspaper, 23 October 2012.
Zhang Shuqi, Xie Lei, Chinese artist in France, 
Xin Hua News Daily, 23 October 2012.
Xiong Ying, Xie Lei debut in Yishu8, 
China Art Newspaper, n° 1215, 20 October 2012.
Valérie de Maulmin, L‘artiste du mois: le monde surnaturel de Xie Lei, Connaissance des Arts n°690, February 2011, p.104.
Sonia Desprez, Espoirs – Le Vent d’après, A Nous, 4 July 2011, p.24.
Monica Lau, Destination, Splux, December 2011, p.64-65.
Valérie Duponchelle, Le Figaro, n°142011, February 2011.
Bruce Helander, Xie Lei, artist to watch, 
The Art Economist, Issue 9, 2011, p.67.


Public collections

Albertina Museum, Vienna (AT)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary (TBA21), Madrid (ES)
Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami (US)
Musée d’Art Contemporain du Val-de-Marne (MAC VAL), Vitre-sur-Seine (FR)
Fondation Colas, Boulogne-Billancourt (FR)
Casa de Velázquez, Madrid (ES)
Musée d’art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne, Château de Rochechouart, Rochechouart (FR)
FRAC des Pays de la Loire, Carquefou (FR)
Rennie Museum, Vancouver (CA)
X Museum, Beijing (CN)






Design et développement : L&D
Photos : Aurélien Mole, Philippe de Gobert, Claire Tenu, Nathaniel McMahon



Sur tes lèvres

Lieu Unique
Nantes, France
Group exhibition
October 25, 2024 – January 12, 2025
curated by Claire Staebler and Eli Commins

Afra Al Dhaheri, Jean-Michel Alberola, Iván Argote, Oliver Beer, Alexandra Bircken, Karla Black, Monica Bonvicini, Laura Bottereau & Marine Fiquet, Emilie Brout & Maxime Marion, Meg Boury, A.K. Burns, Claude Cahun, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Patty Chang, Jean Claracq, Delphine Coindet, Adam Cole, Carole Douillard, Lili Dujourie, Oroma Elewa, Ben Elliot, Léuli Eshrãghi, Nick Evans, Barry Flanagan, Nan Goldin, Douglas Gordon, Giorgio Griffa, Ion Grigorescu, HaYoung, Noritoshi Hirakawa, Jim Hodges, Rebecca Horn, Thomas Huber, Fabrice Hyber, Marie Lund, Urs Lüthi, Robert Malaval, David Medalla, Jacques Monory, Laurent Moriceau, ORLAN, Javier Pérez, Jack Pierson, Emilie Pitoiset, Laurence Rasti, Jean-Michel Sanejouand, Chris Shaw, Ettore Spalletti, Eva Taulois, Nanténé Traoré, John Tremblay, VALIE EXPORT, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Jean-Luc Verna, Andy Warhol, Xie Lei

September 14 – November 12, 2024
Une Chambre à Soi
Château La Coste
Le Puy-Sainte-Réparade, France

curated by Margaux Plessy
group exhibition
Etel Adnan, Marcella Barcelo, Genesis Belanger, Bianca Bondi, Djabril Boukhenaissi, Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Dorothy Cross, Tracey Emin, Julian Farade, Alex Foxton, Adrian Geller, Nathanaëlle Herbelin, Victoire Inchauspé, Claudia Keep, Constance Lafonta, Inès Longevial, Kenia Almaraz Murillo, Joshua Raz, Christine Safa, Kiki Smith, Xie Lei


August 31 – October 5, 2024
Second Nature
Paris, France

group exhibition
Anthony Cudahy, Fiza Khatri, Justin Liam O’Brien, Françoise Pétrovitch, Laurent Proux, Philemona Williamson, Xie Lei


September 6 – October 26, 2024
Absences, mues et macules
Paris, France

group exhibition
Ignasi Aballí, Léa Belooussovitch, Marc Buchy, Lieven De Boeck, Hreinn Friðfinnsson, Ellen Harvey, Rinko Kawauchi, Nicolás Lamas, Benoît Maire, mountaincutters, Cornelia Parker, Benoît Platéus, Claudio Parmiggiani, Jorge Méndez Blake, Evariste Richer, Solène Rigou, Namsal Siedlecki, José María Sicilia, Thu Van Tran, Chaim van Luit, Xie Lei


Fondation Louis Vuitton
Solo exhibition
October 18, 2023 – April 2, 2024
curated by Claudia Buizza and Ludovic Delalande


Galerie Kandlhofer
Solo exhibition
June 22 – July 29, 2023


Two-person exhibition with Charlotte Moth
Galería Marta Cervera
May 18 – July 22, 2023



Lyles & King
New York
Solo exhibition
February 24 – April 1, 2023

¡Viva Villa ! Ce à quoi nous tenons

November 12, 2022 – February 12, 2023
Collection Lambert
Avignon, France

curated by Victorine Grataloup, Stéphane Ibars
group exhibition
Kaouther Adimi, Najah Albukai, Liza Ambrossio, Bianca Argimon, Laía Argüelles, Iván Argote, Benjamin Attahir, Charlie Aubry, Carmen Ayala Marín, Rudy Ayoun, Noriko Baba, Alexandre Balgiu, Théodora Barat, Coralie Barbe, Chloé Belloc, Adila Bennedjaï–Zou, Maxime Biou, Marcus Borja, Simon Boudvin, Samir Boumediene, Iván Nidhal Chamekh, Anne–James Chaton, Bady Dalloul, Mathilde Denize, Julien Deprez, Guillaume Durrieu, Alice Dusapin, Emma Dusong, Flore Falcinelli, Francisco Ferro, Aude Fourel, Fernando Garnero, Lise Gaudaire, Marta Gentilucci, Noémie Goddard, Alice Grégoire & Clément Perissé, Félix Jousserand, Krikor Kouchian, Evangelia Kranioti, Jacques Julien, Julian Lembke, Silvia Lerín, Mathilde Lestiboudois, Anna López Luna, Marielle Macé, Benoît Maire, Eve Malherbe, Clara Marciano, Alberto Martín Menacho, Callisto Mc Nulty, Adrien Menu, Eric Minh Cuong Castaing & Anne–Sophie Turion, Alessandra Monarcha Souza E Silva Fernandes, Hèctor Parra Esteve, Céline Pelcé, Julie Pellegrin, Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza, Pablo Pérez Palacio, Mathieu Peyroulet Ghilini, Natacha Poutoux & Sacha Hourcade, Guy Régis Jr., Arnaud Rochard, Mery Sales, Teddy Sanches, Adrian Schindler, Georges Senga, Apolonia Sokol, Xie Lei.

Chant d'Amour

Paris, France
Solo exhibition
September 3 – October 8, 2022

Machines of Desire

July 21 – August 24, 2022
Simon Lee Gallery
London, UK

curated by Kat Sapera, Emilia Yin
group exhibition
Joeun Kim Aatchim, Michelle Blade, Angela Bulloch, Leonora Carrington, M. Florine Démosthène, Shana Hoehn, Parker Ito, Hortensia Mi Kafchin, Yaya Yajie Liang, Jessie Makinson, Paulina Olowska, Catalina Ouyang, Jacopo Pagin, Mai-Thu Perret, Miguel Angel Payano Jr., Pablo Picasso, Roksana Pirouzmand, Paulo Timer Pjota, Andrew Sender, Jim Shaw, Kiki Smith, Aldo Urbano, Astra Huimeng Wang, Marnie Weber, Xu Yang, Xie Lei, Xin Liu, Yuri Yuan, Guimi You

Abundant Futures. Works from the TBA21 Thyssen-Bornemisza Art Contemporary Collection

April 1, 2022 – March 5, 2023
C3A Centro de Creación Contemporánea de Andalucía, Córdoba, Spain

curated by Daniela Zyman
group exhibition
Ai Weiwei, Allora & Calzadilla, Dana Awartani, Claudia Comte, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Elena Damiani, Olafur Eliasson, Haris Epaminonda, Mario García Torres, Isa Genzken, Helen Mayer Harrison & Newton Harrison, Mathilde ter Heijne, Camille Henrot, Ann Veronica Janssens, Miler Lagos, Sarah Lucas, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Ana Mendieta, Regina de Miguel, Beatriz Milhazes, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Paulo Nazareth, Ernesto Neto, Rivane Neuenschwander, Olaf Nicolai, Plata con Semillas Silvestres I Belén Rodríguez I Víctor Barrios, Diana Policarpo, Naufus Ramírez-Figueroa, Matthew Ritchie, Thomas Ruff, Bernardo Salcedo, Tomás Saraceno, Teresa Solar, Simon Starling, Daniel Steegmann Mangrané, Thomas Struth, Rirkrit Tiravanija, Janaina Tschäpe, Susanne M. Winterling, Cerith Wyn Evans, Xie Lei, Yeo Siew Hua, Heimo Zobernig

Mouthed Echoes

Lyles & King
19 Henry Street, New York

January 8  – February 5, 2022

group exhibition
Heidi Lau, Tao Siqi, Catalina Ouyang, Jo-ey Tang, Thomas Fougeirol, Greg Ito, Agata Słowak, Julia Norton, Paulina Stasik, Lise Stoufflet, Yuri Yuan, Xie Lei, Juliana Cerqueira Leite, Demarco Mosby


Meessens de Clercq
Brussels, Belgium
Solo exhibition
October 28 – December 24, 2021

Descripción de un estado físico

Schneider Colao – Galería Elba Benitez
Calle Belén 2, Madrid, Spain

November 27th 2021 – February 1st, 2022

curated by Pepe Suárez
group exhibition
Saelia Aparicio, Javier Arbizu, Isabella Benshimol, Lucia C.Pino, June Crespo, Paloma de la Cruz, Eliza Douglas, Esther Gatón, Eva Kot’átková, Xie Lei, Antonio Menchen, Carlos Monleón, Alfredo Rodríguez, Helena Vinent

Maze Of Branches

Galería Marta Cervera
Madrid, Spain

September 9 – November 13, 2021

group exhibition
Antonio Menchen, Leonor Serrano Rivas, Xie Lei

Interview at Casa de Velázquez - French Academy in Madrid


Male Nudes: a salon from 1800 to 2021

Mendes Wood DM
São Paulo, Brazil

March 5 – June 12, 2021

group exhibition
Jean Cocteau, Adriano Costa, Solange Pessoa, Tarsila do Amaral, Sarah Lucas and Julian Simmons, Eliseu Visconti, Erika Verzutti, Daniel Correa Mejía, Xie Lei, Athos Bulcão, Francis Picabia, Antonio Obá, Robert Mapplethorpe, Edgar de Souza, Andy Warhol, Jean-Daniel Cadinot, Joseph Caprio, Tom of Finland, Martine Riviere, Luc Geslin, Osmar Schindler, Patrick Safarti, Alexandre Maspoli, Pierre Paul Montagnac, Bruce Weber, Wilhelm Von Gloeden, Raymond Carrance, Guglielmo Von Plüschow, Mark Beard, Larry Clark, C.J Wielhorski, Léon Galand, Ugo Cipriani, Agence Fulgur, Jean Ferrero, Sacha Schneider, Gustavo Silvamaral, Fernanda Azou, Matthew Lutz-Kinoy, Patrick Angus, Rodolpho Parigi, Luiz Roque, Wolfgang Tillmans, Wallace Pato, Paula Siebra, Patricia Leite, Paulo Nazareth

Conversation with Kathy Alliou, Head of Department of scientific and cultural development (Beaux-Arts de Paris)

Asia Now 2020

Much Without Many

Meessen De Clercq
Brussels, Belgium

September 3 – October 24, 2020

group exhibition
Xie Lei, Théo Massoulier, Wouter Venema, Nicolás Lamas, Benoît Maire, Jorge Méndez Blake, Chaim van Luit

Online International Conference

organized by École normale supérieure in Paris and University of Geneva
in partnership with Purdue University and Beaux-Arts de Paris

Group Show, PS120, Berlin

Curated by Loïc Le Gall, Justin Polera

Interview at MAC VAL, Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne


31 October 2019 - 16 January 2020

Group exhibition, MAC VAL

Curated by Alexia Fabre, Anne-Laure Flacelière, Ingrid Jurzak

Group exhibition, Langen Foundation, How To See [What Isn’t There], September 9, 2018 - March 17, 2019

Group Exhibition

October 15, 2018 – January 20, 2019

Persona Grata, Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration, Paris & MACVAL, Vitry-sur-Seine

curated by Anne-Laure Flacelière, Isabelle Renard and Ingrid Jurzak

* Me And I, 2015, oil on canvas, 186 x 146 cm

Fondation Fernet-Branca, 40 ans de passion - Collection David Brolliet, group exhibition, 27 May - 30 September 2018

Untitled, 2007, oil on canvas, 30 x 50 cm

Fondation Fernet-Branca

2 rue du Ballon, 68300, Saint-Louis



Solo exhibition, Walden II, Yima Gallery, Chengdu

Solo Exhibition

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Group Exhibition — Utopie Picturale 3


21 January – 20 February 2016

Galerie FORMA, Lausanne

Sans rivage, 05 September - 31 October 2015, Galerie Anne de Villepoix, Paris

September 19, 2015

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Photos : Aurélien Mole

XIE LEI « Entre chien et loup »

July 15, 2015